15. November 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology

Toxic effects of tire abrasion
Tire particles contain substances that have potentially estrogenic, genotoxic and bacteriotoxic effects and can be released into the environment. Using an innovative method, the researchers were able to show which substances contribute to these effects.
Read more05. November 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Sun creams and bathing lakes
In a new project, we are investigating the significance of UV filters from sun creams for the health of Swiss bathing lakes. We have already carried out bathing tests in test ponds to track the path of the substances from the skin into the water and sediment.
Read more29. October 2024, Topic: Risk Assessment , Soil Ecotoxicology

Climate change and pesticides
Ecotox Centre alumnus Micha Wehrli has just published his Master's thesis on the influence of heat stress on the risk assessment of pesticides, which shows that adjustments are needed here - congratulations Micha!
Read more15. October 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Info sheet on washing and cleaning agents
Washing and cleaning agents are regularly used in every household and thus end up in waste water and ultimately in sewage treatment plants. But which of the substances they contain are dangerous for the environment? And how can we protect it as well as possible - despite the use of detergents and cleaning agents? A new info sheet gives more details.
Read more08. October 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

International workshop on sampling frequency
On 19-20 September 2024, the Ecotox Centre organised a workshop of the EU Working Group Chemicals on the topic of sampling frequency. The aim of this working group is to develop a guideline on the sampling frequency for priority substances whose entry into the environment can fluctuate greatly over time.
Read more04. October 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology

PFAS in sediments near a fire training area in Lausanne
Both bioassays and risk assessment indicate a significant risk for the sediment organisms.
Read more17. September 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Exciting discussions at the open day
Last Saturday, we presented our bioassays and bioindicators for analysing surface waters at the Eawag and Empa Open Day.
Read more27. August 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Awards for Elsa Schmidt and Maylis Wangermez
Both Ecotox Centre alumnae were honoured for their presentations at the 2024 meeting of the French Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée SEFA.
Read more22. August 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Conference on Tire Emissions on 4-6 December 2024 in Munich
The Ecotox Centre invites you to an international conference on tire emissions, co-chaired by our director Benoit Ferrari. The conference will focus on research into tire emissions and the promotion of solutions to reduce the environmental impact of tires.
Read more16. August 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre webinar with Ellen Fritsche, 17 September 2024, 16:00-17:00
The Ecotox Centre invites you to a webinar with Prof. Ellen Fritsche (Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology) on Tuesday, 17 September 2024 at 4 pm on "One Health Concept – for the health of humans, animals and the environment".
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