20. December 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
Webinar: Bioassays for wastewater assessment on 18.2.2025, 14.30-16.00
A new series of webinars organised by the German Water Chemistry Society highlights the opportunities and possibilities of bioassays for assessing water quality. The Ecotox Centre is hosting the first webinar on the use of effect-based methods for wastewater testing.
Water resources are under pressure - everyone involved is becoming more aware of this from year to year. As the challenges in the water sector continue, new regulations are emerging and new testing methods are being developed and used, the ‘(Eco)Toxicological Effects’ expert group of the Water Chemistry Society's research committee invites all practitioners, authorities, researchers and local authorities involved with water and its quality to a free webinar series. Under the motto: ‘Don't be afraid of bioassays: effect-based methods in water quality assessment’, the opportunities and possibilities of bioassays for assessing water quality will be demonstrated.
The Ecotox Centre is hosting the first webinar on the topic
"Effektbasierte Methoden im Abwasserbereich – Anwendungsbeispiele und künftige Möglichkeiten" (in German)
on Tuesday, 18.2.2025, 14.30-16.00 Uhr
Zoom (Passcode: 974046)
14.30 - 14.40 | Begrüssung und Einführung | Prof. Dr. Rita Triebskorn (Universität Tübingen) |
14.40 - 15.05 | Abwasserbeurteilung mit Biotests in Deutschland - von Effekten im Abwasser bis hin zu Wirkungen im Gewässer | Dr. Sabrina Schiwy (Universität Frankfurt) & Prof. Dr. Rita Triebskorn (Universität Tübingen) |
15.05 - 15.30 | 18 Jahre Erfahrung: Einsatz von Biotests in der Abwasserprüfung in der Schweiz – von der Idee zum Gesetz | Dr. Cornelia Kienle (Oekotoxzentrum, Schweiz), Dr. Miriam Langer (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Schweiz) |
15.30 - 15.50 | Die neue Europäische Abwasserrichtline und deren Entwicklungen/Herausforderungen |
Dr. Marcus Lucas (UBA) |
15.50 - 16.00 | Schlussdiskussion, Umfrage und Abschied | Prof. Dr. Rita Triebskorn (Universität Tübingen) |
The free webinar is open to anyone interested in learning about developments in the water sector (wastewater, surface water and drinking water) and effect-based methods. In addition to experiences, opportunities and limitations will also be discussed. We hope that there will be broad interest from authorities, district offices and local authorities. Please pass on this invitation to others.
Future Webinars
Oktober 2025: Qualitätsmonitoring in Oberflächenwässern - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von effektbasierten Tests
February 2026: Einsatz von effektbasierten Tests im Trinkwasserbereich