

Selection of a bioindicator toolbox for monitoring effects of plant protection product residues Part 2 - Scoring of actors and bioindicator methods

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OligoGen : Développement de méthodes oligochètes génétiques pour évaluer la qualité biologique des sédiments de cours d’eau

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Evaluation of surface water quality in the Vuachère watershed using a bioassay battery

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Selection of a bioindicator toolbox for monitoring effects of plant protection product residues Part 1 - Linking ecological soil functions and soil organisms

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Methodology proposal for the derivation of Soil Guideline Values for Plant Protection Product residues Part 1 - Review and comparison of international methodologies

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Methodology proposal for the derivation of Soil Guideline Values for Plant Protection Product residues Part 2 – Recommendations for the derivation of Soil Guideline Values

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Anticoagulant rodenticides – Swiss situation analysis

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Strategy for sediment quality assessment in Switzerland

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Stratégie d'évaluation de la qualité des sédiments en Suisse

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Strategie zur Bewertung der Sedimentqualität in der Schweiz

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Concept for long-term biomonitoring of residues from plant protection products within the monitoring measure of the Swiss Action Plan on plant protection products

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Évaluation de la qualité des sédiments des canaux Stockalper, du Bras-Neuf et des îles (Valais, Suisse) basée sur une approche de type triade

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Ecotoxicological effects of polyacrylate, acrylic acid, polyacrylamide and acrylamide on soil and water organisms

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Pression chimique et impacts écologiques (CommuSed)

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Micropolluants organiques dans les poissons du Léman.

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An overview of current scientific knowledge on the life cycles, environmental exposures, and environmental effects of select endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and potential EDCs

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Current methodologies used by cantonal agencies for sampling and analysis of sediments in Switzerland

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Développement de systèmes in situ et ex-situ d’exposition aux matières en suspension et aux sédiments contaminés aux PCB utilisant la larve de Chironomus riparius

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Quantification des effets de la restauration d'un écosystème lacustre contaminé par des polluants organiques persistants

Biologische Nachbehandlung von kommunalem Abwasser nach Ozonung - ReTREAT

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Wirkungsorientierte Gewässerüberwachung: Biomonitoring mit Forellen

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Praxistaugliche Beurteilungen von kurzzeitigen Expositionsspitzen

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The occurrence of 12 EU priority substances in Swiss surface waters and biota – a review of monitoring data

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Biologische Nachbehandlung von kommunalem Abwasser nach Ozonung – ReTREAT: Teilprojekt Biotests

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Micropolluants métalliques et organiques dans les sédiments superficiels du Léman

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Messung von PCB und Dioxinen in Fliessgewässern

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NORMAN interlaboratory study (ILS) on passive sampling of emerging pollutants

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Trace metals in sediments from Switzerland: Situation analysis and recommendations

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Methoden zur Beurteilung der Wasserqualität anhand von ökotoxikologischen Biotests

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Ecotoxicity of wood preservatives (SOLTOX): Current knowledge and evaluation of potential toxicity for soil organisms

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Organische Beschichtungen im Schweizer Stahlbau und deren Ökotoxizität

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Grobbeurteilung der Wasserqualität von abwasserbelasteten Gewässern anhand von ökotoxikologischen Biotests

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Demonstration of MAR effects on groundwater resources – development and application of different approaches for risk and impact assessment

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Selection criteria to select in vitro bioassays for implementation and use

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Decision basis for implementation of oxidation technologies

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Chemical and toxicological assessment of transformation product and by-product formation

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Demonstration of design, application, controlling and long-term stability of wastewater oxidation technology

On request from Christa McArdell


Beurteilungskonzept für Mikroverunreinigungen aus diffusen Einträgen

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Technical Report on Aquatic Effect-Based Monitoring Tools

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Modélisation du flux de micropolluants provenant des rejets de l’épuration des eaux usées

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Ecotoxicological Assessment of Immersion Samples from Facade Render

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Mikroschadstoffe aus kommunalem Abwasser. Stoffflussmodellierung, Situationsanalyse und Reduktionspotentiale für Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Qualitätsüberwachung von Sedimenten in der Schweiz: Aktueller Stand der verfügbaren Methoden und Einsetzung von Empfehlungen

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Evaluation von Methoden für den effektbasierten Nachweis von Östrogen aktiven Substanzen in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen und Fliessgewässern

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Evaluation of Bioassays and Wastewater Quality. In vitro and in vivo Bioassays for the Performance Review in the Project “Strategy Micropoll”

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Qualitätsüberwachung von Sedimenten in der Schweiz: Zusammenfassung einer Umfrage

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Aquatic Risks of Plant Protection Products: A Comparison of Different Hazard Assessment Strategies for Surface Waters in Switzerland

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Input and Elimination of Pharmaceuticals and Disinfectants from Hospital Wastewater

On request from Christa McArdell

Mikroverunreinigungen - Beurteilungskonzept für Spurenstoffe aus kommunalem Abwasser

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