28. June 2024, Topic:

Update of EU water pollutant list takes next step
The EU has proposed to tighten the standards on water pollutants by updating the list of priority pollutants and environmental quality standards (EQS) in surface water and groundwater. Last week, the European council agreed its negotiating mandate on the directive, which allows the presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on the final text.
Read more27. June 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Stream walk with the Ecotox Centre
On Tuesday, a group of urban nature lovers delved into the layers of environmental pollution with the team from the Ecotox Centre in Lausanne.
Read more23. May 2024, Topic:

UV filters in Lake Geschinen
The Ecotox Centre has detected residues of sunscreen products in a popular bathing lake in Valais. The concentrations increased during bathing and were in the same order of magnitude as the provisional quality criteria for some substances. An in-depth investigation of the situation in Switzerland is planned.
Read more22. May 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

In conversation with the "father" of the Ecotox Centre
Rik Eggen, former Deputy Director of Eawag, played a leading role in the founding of the Ecotox Centre in 2008 and was closely involved in its development until his retirement at the end of 2023, first as part of the Directorate and later as a representative of Eawag on the Host Institute Board. Here he looks back on his time with the Ecotox Centre.
Read more21. May 2024, Topic: Risk Assessment

How to consider mixture toxicity? New approaches for authorization and monitoring
Mixtures of chemicals in the environment pose major challenges for authorities, research and industry, as their risk is difficult to assess. The Ecotox Centre is helping to develop practical concepts in this area.
Read more17. May 2024, Topic:

News faces at the Ecotox Centre
Luca Gelshorn, Brianne Holmes, Océane Lafargue and Louveline Lépeule have recently joined our team at the Ecotox Centre.
Read more16. May 2024, Topic: Sediment Ecotoxicology

Genetic oligochaete index passes another milestone
Oligochaete communities in the field can provide information on sediment quality, but not all animals can be identified under the microscope. Researchers at the Ecotox Centre have developed a genetic identification method that has just been included as an expert report in the modular stepwise procedure.
Read more03. April 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance: Ecotox Centre says yes, but
The Ecotox Centre and Eawag welcome a total revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance (PPPO). However, the two institutes are calling for improvements on important points, such as the adoption of EU authorisations or the precautionary principle. The ordinance must ensure that other regulations such as the Water Protection or the Environmental Protection Act are not undermined.
Read more02. April 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre study leads to postulate in Zurich Cantonal Council
A recent study by the Ecotox Centre has shown that nature reserves are also contaminated with pesticides. A postulate based on this study has now been submitted to the Zurich Cantonal Council.
Read more18. March 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

PFAS course attracts interest
To provide comprehensive information about PFAS and their toxicity to the environment and humans, the Ecotox Centre has organised a course last week, which was attended by more than 80 participants.
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