News - 2016
06. December 2016, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology
SSSS Annual Meeting 9th/10th February 2017 in Berne
On 9th/10th of February 2017, the annual meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland will be held in Berne. The topic will be "Soil Science and Soil Protection: a Challenge across Boundaries".
Read more29. November 2016, Topic: Sediment Ecotoxicology , Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Oligochaetes indicate sediment quality
Aquatic oligchaetes are well suited for the assessment of biological sediment quality. However, difficulties with their species determination inhibit their use as routine indicator organisms. A genetic species determination using genetic barcodes could change the situation and promote the application of the method.
Read more22. November 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Bioassays assess ozonation and post-treatment of wastewater
Ozonation is an established treatment technology to remove micropollutants from wastewater. However, labile toxic reaction products may be formed during ozonation. Therefore, a biological post-treatment step is needed. Using bioassays, the Ecotox Centre has assessed how efficient ecotoxicological effects are reduced by ozonation in combination with various post-treatment technologies.
Read more22. November 2016, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment
Neonicotinoids - harmful to soil organisms?
The neonicotinoids imidacloprid and clothianidin were detected in soil of sugar beet, wheat and corn fields as well as in soil of ecological compensation areas. The toxicity of the substances to the beneficial springtail was determined. It was shown that the measured concentrations represent a potential risk for springtail health.
Read more22. November 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment
Risk assessment of transformation products of pharmaceuticals
Not only pharmaceuticals but also their transformation products may pollute our surface waters. However, the assessment of their ecotoxicological risk is difficult because data on their ecotoxicity are often missing. In a case study, the Ecotox Centre compares the existing assessment methods.
Read more20. November 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment
Legally binding effect-based quality criteria for Switzerland
The Ecotox Centre is currently adapting numerous proposals for quality criteria before they become legally binding in 2018.
Read more18. November 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Estrogens from agriculture
A joint project by Agroscope and the Ecotox Centre investigates the discharge and fate of natural estrogens from agriculture. The aim is to quantitatively assess the occurrence, the behaviour and the importance of estrogens from agriculture for surface waters in Switzerland. The project is financed by the Federal Office for the Environment.
Read more27. October 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology
Sediment storage conditions influence biotest results
New results from the Ecotox Centre show that freezing has a pronounced influence on sediment toxicity.
Read more21. July 2016, Topic: Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment , Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Metals in Swiss sediments
A new report summarizes the available data on metals in Swiss sediments and enables a prioritization of these important contaminants.
Read more27. May 2016, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment
Successful evaluation of the Ecotox Centre
In 2015, the Ecotox Centre was evaluated by external experts. The evaluation report has now been published: Overall, the development of the Ecotox Centre and its services and impacts were rated very positively.
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