27. August 2024, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Soil Ecotoxicology Sediment Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
Awards for Elsa Schmidt and Maylis Wangermez
At the 2024 annual meeting of the French Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (SEFA) in Besançon, two Ecotox Centre alumnae were awarded prizes: Elsa Schmidt and Maylis Wangermez. Elsa Schmidt was honoured for the presentation of her Master's thesis on the effect of micro- and nanoplastics on the life cycle of chironomids, which she carried out at the Ecotox Centre. Maylis Wangermez studied enzymatic biomarkers in freshwater amphipods at INRAE HYCAR. We congratulate both of them and wish them all the best for their future!
Photo: Estelle Franc, Université de Franche Comté