Ozonation at the WWTP Neugut
The WWTP Neugut is currently establishing Switzerland's first large scale ozonation plant. This expansion is required by the new Swiss Water Protection Act to improve the removal of micropollutants. The Ecotox Centre contributes to this project: In collaboration with Eawag, it investigates the efficiency and stability of ozonation with subsequent biological treatment. The main focus is on the influence of the water composition on the removal of micropollutants and the efficiency of various biological post-treatment methods. Several bioassays are used to this end.
Applied test systems
- Yeast Estrogen Screen
- Combined Algae Test
- In situ Feeding Assay with Gammarids
- Chronic Reproduction Test with Daphnids
- Fish Early Life Stage Test (FELST) with Rainbow Trouts
- Other bioassays as needed