Dr. Etienne Vermeirssen

Dr. Etienne Vermeirssen


Send mailTel. +41 58 765 5295
Research Gate

FX E25
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf

Tasks at the Ecotox Centre

  • Deputy director Ecotox Centre
  • Group leader aquatic ecotoxicology
  • Planning, supervision and implementation of applied projects in ecotoxicology and aquatic chemistry
  • Contribution to continuing education courses

Areas of Expertise

  • Application of biotests in environmental analytics
  • Combination of biological and chemical analysis
  • Passive sampling
  • Physiology of fish reproduction


  • since 2011

    Senior Scientist and Group Leader at the Ecotox Centre

  • 2003 - 2011

    Scientist at Eawag at the Dept. of Environmental Toxicology and the Dept. of Environmental Chemistry. Key research topics: hormonally active substances and passive sampling

  • 1999 - 2002

    Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (Seewiesen, Germany) – Research on sperm competition in birds

  • 1996 - 1999

    Postdoctoral researcher at CEFAS (Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; Lowestoft, UK) – Research on pheromones and reproduction in fish

  • 1992 - 1995

    Doctoral Thesis: "Pheromones and Reproductive Physiology of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) and North Sea Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.)". University of East Anglia, School of Biological Sciences, Norwich, UK