Development of a Reliable Concept for Routine Assessment of Water Quality Based on Bioassays

Development of a Reliable Concept for Routine Assessment of Water Quality Based on Bioassays

Standardised methods for the investigation and assessment of the condition of streams and rivers in Switzerland are developed within the scope of the project Modular Stepwise Procedure" (Modul-Stufen-Konzept) in order to integrate structural, hydrological, biological, chemical, and ecotoxicological aspects of water quality.

A bioassay-based method for the assessment of Swiss surface waters that enables the cantons to assess the ecotoxicological aspects of the water quality of their streams and rivers does not exist to date. Hence, the objective of the Ecotoxicology module within the “Modular Stepwise Procedure” is to develop a reliable concept for routine water quality assessment based on bioassays. The concept will include sampling, sample processing, bioassays and interpretation of effects. The methods devised for the Ecotoxicology module are to be applied to selected contaminated stretches of streams and rivers and are intended to support the cantonal agencies in their assessment of water quality.

The project is conducted under general management of the FOEN at the Ecotox centre and is accompanied by an advisory group of experts from private laboratories, cantonal water protection agencies and research institutes.

Applied test systems


Reports: Grobbeurteilung der Wasserqualität von abwasserbelasteten Gewässern anhand von ökotoxikologischen Biotests (updated 2017)

Methoden zur Beurteilung der Wasserqualität anhand von ökotoxikologischen Biotests: Ergebnisse einer Literaturrecherche und einer Expertenbefragung

Evaluation von Methoden für den effektbasierten Nachweis von Östrogen aktiven Substanzen in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen und Fliessgewässern

Info sheet: Das Modul Ökotoxikologie im Rahmen des Modul-Stufen-Konzepts