Situation analysis Switzerland for New Priority Substances in the EU Water Framework Directive
In January of 2012, the European Commission proposed 15 new priority substances to be monitored and checked in EU surface waters under the Water Framework Directive in the future. The proposed substances for the first time include active pharmaceutical ingredients. In a situation analysis, the Ecotox Centre will determine the degree of contamination and the relevance of these substances regarding Swiss streams, rivers, and lakes. The first step is to assess exposure with the aid of existing environmental measurement data. Then, the existing EU quality criteria proposals for these substances are to be reviewed and compared with the exposure data. Finally, the Ecotox Centre will use the analysis results to derive recommendations for measures in Switzerland regarding these substances. In addition, other water-relevant substances are assessed within the scope of the project. The need for action in Switzerland with respect to active pharmaceutical ingredients has already been identified (Report on assessment concept (in German)).