Ecotoxicity of munitions contaminated soil

Ecotoxicity of munitions contaminated soil

In military areas soil can become contaminated with munitions and explosives, resulting in contaminated areas with environmental impacts. Current regulations for contaminated soil cover only a fraction of all potential contaminants and do not consider the mixture of different environmental contaminants often found. This project aims assess the chemical characterization of key contaminants in munitions-contaminated soil and its ecotoxicity. Chemical analyses include the major contaminants and previously listed explosives and PAHs, major elements and trace elements. This will be followed by analysis by non-target LC-HRMS analysis to identify major contaminants not previously listed.

The ecotoxicity and risk to the soil habitat function of munitions will be assessed using a battery of ecotoxicological tests following standard test guidelines and covering key ecological receptors representing different trophic levels and routes of exposure. Based on the chemical and ecotoxicological data generated, the risk for different soil uses, protection and/or remediation targets will be established.

Used bioassays

ISO 18763:2016 Soil quality — Determination of the toxic effects of pollutants on germination and early growth of higher plants

ISO 15685:2012 Soil quality — Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification — Rapid test by ammonium oxidation

ISO 11267:2023 Soil quality — Inhibition of reproduction of Collembola (Folsomia candida) by soil contaminants

ISO 16387:2023 Soil quality — Effects of contaminants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) — Determination of effects on reproduction