Water quality in Lake Geneva
The water quality in Lake Geneva is being ecotoxicologically assessed with the help of a comprehensive battery of bioassays. A total of thirteen bioassays are being used to analyse water samples from three locations at different depths. Together with other projects, the results of the study will contribute to the development of an optimal bioassay battery for monitoring the quality of surface waters.
Biotests used
- CALUX® panel (Cytotox-, PXR-, Nrf2-, ER-, anti-AR-, und PAH-CALUX®) for the evaluation of cytotoxicity, pollutant metabolism, oxidative stress, oestrogenic and anti-androgenic activity, cell response to PAH, PFAS and dioxins
- Ames fluctuation test for the evaluation of mutagenicity
- Combined algae test with unicellular green algae
- Test for toxicity in the early life stage of fish (FET) with embryos and larvae of the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
- Toxicity on gill cells of rainbow trout (RTgill-W1)