Ecotoxicology for polluted sites: Overview of the available methods for assessing damage to aquatic ecosystems
This project aims to show which ecotoxicological methods are suitable for assessing the environmental impact of contaminated sites. Both water and sediment quality will be considered. The main objective is to determine whether and which ecotoxicological tests can be useful to :
assess the toxicity of a polluted site and the risk it poses to ecosystems ;
- assess the need for remediation of a polluted site ;
- monitor the evolution over time of the toxic effects of pollution on an ecosystem;
- determine the level of toxicity downstream of a polluted site compared to upstream and whether the difference is relevant for action at the polluted site;
- set remediation targets ;
- evaluate the effectiveness of remediation measures.
A literature review will be carried out and the methods used by other countries will be analysed. Following this project, it will be discussed whether and in what context bioassays could be considered as part of a new implementation aid to complement chemical analyses.