12. November 2015, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Soil Ecotoxicology Sediment Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
Progress in the evaluation of ecotoxicological data
During the authorization procedure of chemicals or for the determination of environmental quality criteria ecotoxicological data need to be evaluated regarding their reliability and relevance. However, the experts decision whether specific toxicity data meet the necessary requirements strongly influences the resulting quality criteria and therefore the authorization and environmental monitoring. Together with international experts, the Ecotox Centre has developed a new system that that is supposed to make this data review more secure and reproducible and less subjective. A publication introduces the improved evaluation system and its criteria for data analysis and gives advice on what information needs to be included in ecotoxicological publications to make them useful for regulatory use. An additional publication that compares the new assessment method with the old one in a ring test has just been submitted.
Moermand, C.T.A., Kase, R., Korkaric, M., Ågerstrand, M. (2015) CRED: Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating ecotoxicity Data. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry DOI: 10.1002/etc.3259