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Neue Infoblätter zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Gewässern, EQS- und RAC-Werten

15. September 2014, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment

Neue Infoblätter zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Gewässern, EQS- und RAC-Werten

Plant protection products (PPPs) in surface waters are currently at the centre of interest of policy, regulation and environmental research. Thus, the Swiss Federal Council has called for an action plan to reduce the risks of pesticides and to promote their sustainable use. To provide a concise overview of the risks and the evaluation of PPPs in the environment, the Ecotox Centre, together with Eawag, has prepared two info sheets. One of these answers frequently asked questions about PPPs in the aquatic environment. The other info sheet provides an overview of the ecotoxicological assessment of PPP concentrations in surface waters and explains the differences between control values (EQS) and admission values (RAC).

Plant protection products in the aquatic environment: Download info sheet (in German)

Ecotoxicological assessment of PPP concentrations in surface waters: EQS und RAC values: Download info sheet (in German)

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