01. October 2013, Topic: Sediment Ecotoxicology Soil Ecotoxicology
News group leader for sediment and soil ecotoxicology
On 1 October Benoit Ferrari started as the new team leader for sediment and soil ecotoxicology at the Ecotox Centre in Lausanne. A trained biologist and biochemist, he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Metz on the ecotoxicological risk assessment of waste by means of a test battery. He then worked two years as a researcher at Irstea (formerly Cemagref) in Lyon and evaluated the chronic toxicity of pharmaceuticals on aquatic organisms, after words he spent six years as an assistant at the Institute F.-A. Forel, University of Geneva. In these positions, he developed an in situ system for the ecotoxicological assessment of sediment quality. Most recently, he worked again as a researcher at Irstea dealing with methods for assessing sediment quality. "I am a field-eco-toxicologist and want to use my broad experience at the Ecotox Centre to develop ecotoxicological tools and guidance for the practical assessment of ecosystems," says Benoit Ferrari.