07. February 2023, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
New report on determining ecotoxicological reference values for soils
Long-term monitoring of PPP residues in soils is currently being developed within the framework of the Federal Action Plan on Plant Protection Products. However, in order to be able to evaluate these residues, reference values are needed that take into account their ecotoxicological risk. These reference values are based on ecotoxicological studies with soil organisms and indicate the concentration below which no harmful effects should occur - however, the determination of such values is very complex and the methodology still insufficiently established.
In a new report, the Ecotox Centre provides an overview of possible methods available for determining such risk-based reference values for PPPs in soils in Switzerland - some of these methods are already used in other countries in various regulatory frameworks. As a next step, the scientists at the Ecotox Centre will compare the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods to derive a method recommendation. «In this way, we will hopefully soon be able to better determine the contamination of soils - and this is a first important step towards reducing the risk of PPPs for soil organisms and plants», says Mireia Marti.