19. October 2018, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology
Monitoring concept for plant protection products in soils
As part of the new federal action plan for risk reduction and the sustainable use of plant protection products (PPP), the environmental risks posed by PPP are to be halved by 2027. In order to achieve this goal for Swiss soils, a monitoring concept for PPP residues needs to be developed. The Ecotox Centre supports the Federal Offices for the Environment and for Agriculture in this task; other project partners are EnviBioSoil and NABO (Swiss Soil Monitoring Network) . By the end of 2018, the current state of knowledge on the occurrence of PPP residues in soils, their persistence and ecotoxicity will be summarised and discussed with national and international experts: Two workshops will contribute to this goal. Later, approaches for the selection of PPP and sites for monitoring will be developed and a list of potential measurement methods and indicators will be selected.