31. August 2018, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Miriam Langer new professor at the School of Life Sciences FHNW
On September 1, Ecotox Centre employee Miriam Langer will start as Professor of Applied Ecotoxicology at the University of Applied Sciences FHNW’s new Muttenz Campus. The professorship is jointly funded by FHNW and Eawag.
Miriam studied biology at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and did her PhD on the effects of environmental chemicals on chironomids and fish. After working in industry for several years, she has been a scientist at the Ecotox Centre since 2015. In the NAWA SPEZ projects, she applied bioassays to assess the contamination of Swiss streams with pesticides. She also evaluated the new ozonation system in wastewater treatment plants to remove micropollutants. Miriam has been a lecturer in aquatic ecotoxicology at the Rottenburg University of Applied Sciences since 2012. At FHNW, she succeeds Karl Fent, one of the pioneers of aquatic ecotoxicology in Switzerland.
Photo: Peter Penicka, Eawag