01. January 2013, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Soil Ecotoxicology Sediment Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
Inge Werner new president of SETAC GLB
Inge Werner, Head of the Ecotox Centre, is the new president of the German Language Branch of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC GLB), the regional SETAC branch that represents the society's interests in the German-speaking countries and that organizes one scientific conference per year. The main goal of these mostly German-language annual conferences is to give an overview of current research and developments in the fields of ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry and to promote contacts among members and interested persons. Moreover, the annual conferences serve the promotion of young researchers who should feel particularly welcome to present their research results. SETAC GLB also strives to improve education in ecotoxicology: In 2005, it co-founded postgraduate studies with the certified degree "Fachökotoxikologin/e“, which are organized by SETAC GLB and the Society of German Chemists.