Sediment Contact Test with Ostracods

Sediment Contact Test with Ostracods

Test organism

  • Freshwater ostracods Heterocypris incongruens

Test principle

  • The effect of chemicals on the mortality and growth of this epibenthic crustacean is determined after 6 days of exposure to spiked or naturally contaminated sediments.

Analysed parameters

  • Growth, measured as length

Test duration

  • 6 d

Relevance and advantages

  • Ostracods are present in almost all aquatic environments, within the water column and on (and in) the sediment substrate. H. incongruens is a cosmopolitan ostracod species
  • Standard test organism for determining the toxicity of fresh water sediments
  • The test requires minimal sample volume for testing
  • Similar sensitivity to other standard test systems

Guidelines and literature

  • ISO 14371 (2012). Water quality - Determination of fresh water sediment toxicity to Heterocypris incongruens (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
  • Chial-Belgis Z. Persoone G, Blaise C (2003) Cyst-based toxicity tests XVI––sensitivity comparison of the solid phase Heterocypris incongruens microbiotest with the Hyalella azteca and Chironomus riparius contact assays on freshwater sediments from Peninsula Harbour (Ontario, Canada). Chemopshere 52, 95-101