How to consider mixture toxicity?
New approaches for authorization and monitoring

Genetic oligochaete index passes another milestone

Revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance:
Ecotox Centre says yes, but

  • Update of EU water pollutant list takes next step
    28. June 2024

    Update of EU water pollutant list takes next step

    The EU has proposed to tighten the standards on water pollutants by updating the list of priority pollutants and environmental quality standards (EQS) in surface water and groundwater. Last week, the European council agreed its negotiating mandate on the directive, which allows the presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on the final text.

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  • Stream walk with the Ecotox Centre
    27. June 2024

    Stream walk with the Ecotox Centre

    On Tuesday, a group of urban nature lovers delved into the layers of environmental pollution with the team from the Ecotox Centre in Lausanne.

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  • The Ecotox Centre

    The Ecotox Centre is the Swiss competence centre for applied, practice-oriented ecotoxicology. It serves as the primary knowledge hub and discussion platform for research and development, consulting and education in that area.

    Quality Criteria for Surface Waters Test Systems Continuing Education Student Research Projects Staff

Current publications, info sheets and reports

Kienle, C., Bramaz, N., Schifferli, A., Olbrich, D., Werner, I., & Vermeirssen, E. (2023). Beurteilung der Wasserqualität mit einer Biotestbatterie. Aqua & Gas, 103(4), 24-33. , Institutional Repository
Casado-Martinez, C., Beauvais, R., Ferrari, B. J. D., Cirelli, S., Schaad, E. J., Chiaia-Hernandez, A. C., … Loizeau, J. L. (2023). Évaluation de la qualité des sédiments. Projet pilote d'application d'une batterie de bioessais à l'échelle nationale. Aqua & Gas, 103(4), 34-41. , Institutional Repository
Voisin, A. S., Fasel, M., Beauvais, R., Kienle, C., Ferrari, B., & Werner, I. (2023). Biomarqueurs moléculaires. Application pour la surveillance de la qualité de l'eau avec la truite de rivière. Aqua & Gas, 103(4), 42-48. , Institutional Repository

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment

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OligoGen : Développement de méthodes oligochètes génétiques pour évaluer la qualité biologique des sédiments de cours d’eau

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Selection of a bioindicator toolbox for monitoring effects of plant protection product residues Part 1 - Linking ecological soil functions and soil organisms

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Methodology proposal for the derivation of Soil Guideline Values for Plant Protection Product residues Part 2 – Recommendations for the derivation of Soil Guideline Values

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